Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Bloom where you are planted!

You are where you are for a reason – you might not know the who, what, when, where, and why exactly,  but I believe you are to be a blessing wherever you find yourself. 

 Bloom where you're planted: Mike in Tucson
Are you in a bright place in life? Use your light to touch someone else who may be struggling.  

When you find yourself in a dark spot, use what energy you have to take time to heal first (self- care)! Then, when you find you are able to move forward, even slowly, see if you cannot be the light someone else needs to see in their dark spot.

Don’t forget that we are all connected, there is always hope and even under the crappiest of circumstances there is something to be thankful for. 

In what way can you use your gifts today – RIGHT WHERE YOU ARE – to show someone else some HOPE?

Friday, June 21, 2013

Special gifts! TGIF!

 What about a gift???
Today is just a quick reminder that you have many talents and strengths! Go out into the world – at work, at home, wherever you are and use those to bless someone!  Doesn’t have to be HUGE -  I plan on cutting a friends hair today – just use YOUR SPECIAL GIFTS to be a blessing to someone, somewhere!!! Yesterday a friend dusted my ceiling fans...a job I cannot DO that was such a blessing to me!
How much more awesome will the world be if we all do this one thing!
GRATEFUL for your visit, HOPE to hear from you soon! :)

Thursday, June 20, 2013

A smile to go!

Try if you can to keep a smile on your face.  I know it can hard, but the old adage “fake it till you make it” applies here! This little thing, if you will, changes not only how you feel over time, but changes people’s perception of you. Are you open or closed? Are you happy (a choice moment to moment) or not? Do you want to be more approachable, available to help others? Then this little tip is for you.
When I was sick I remember smiling when the lab sat 24 vials next to my arm…24! I weighed like 99 pounds! Was I smiling because I was happy or content? NOPE! Just the opposite, I was smiling so I would feel brave, more reachable (sometimes YOU are the one who need to be open to receive help) and maybe, just maybe to help someone else…there were lots of littles there at the cancer center…maybe they felt one little smidge less terrified by seeing an adult smile - not a wide open teeth showing kind of fake smile, just a small little hopeful smile. Sometimes it is eternally helpful to get your mangled in a stress ball insides to match your outside (remember that smile, right?)!

At any rate, take a minute to plaster a small smile on your face when faced with someone you don’t care for, a situation that is uncomfortable for you in some way, or even just because. YOUR smile might just be the HOPE someone needs to be ok with today. You never know what it might offer to the universe…or what it might bring back your way. I know there are many of you struggling and I know this can be particularly hard on a bad day…just try it and give yourself permission to be human if you don’t remember every time…when you can, try it and see how it feels!

I am thankful for you stopping by today! For you lurkers reading, I appreciate you…feel free to leave a note, start a conversation or just say Hi! Help me to not feel so lonely as this blog gets off the ground…J


Monday, June 17, 2013

Ready for a little CHANGE???

How many of you have had significant challenges in your life?  Feeling down? Life can seem like a real kick in the pants sometimes, can’t it?  Since I started this blog with HOPE and gratitude in mind – two of my favorite things - I thought I would suggest the following prescription for CHANGE and see if it works for you. Sometimes the simple reminders help the most.  Doing these little things on a daily basis can add up to big, positive successes in these areas. 
Remember to be open to a little C-H-A-N-G-E.                                           Monarch butterfly chrysalis and a Monarch caterpillar getting ready to pupate


Commit – Commit to a path that lifts you up! Surround yourself with positive people involved in positive things. Examine your life, which areas lift and which lean? You can work to reduce the heaviness in the leaning areas and spend more time cultivating the uplifting ones!

HOPE – Always keep HOPE tucked in your heart – no one can take it from you and it cannot be squelched, as long as you carefully guard it. During times of stress it’s easy to throw your hands up in despair and give up everything…but I believe even under the most challenging circumstances, there is always HOPE!

Attitude – You can choose to be happy and ok (do you know its ok, just to be ok? A lesson one of my kiddos is still working on…when there is no drama and no stress going on when you are used to that) It is OK just to be! The choice is solely yours – when you wake up in the morning, choose to maintain a positive attitude!

Gratitude – Try saying (out loud or in your head) immediately upon awakening, “Dear Lord, I am thankful…” You can say what you are thankful for or leave it at that. I am thankful…See if this little shift doesn’t make a huge difference…even if you don’t believe in God (and I FIRMLY do), you can send gratitude out into the world…it makes a HUMONGUOUS difference!

Excellence – Take a moment (or a day) to examine your strengths and weaknesses and commit to cultivating those areas you excel.  Mind you I did not and do not mean PERFECTIONISM!!! As a recovering perfectionist, I am learning how to cultivate my strengths while enjoying the process. I am also approaching my weaknesses from a different perspective – instead of trying to “get significantly better” at the things I do not consider my strengths; I do a better job at giving myself permission to be human and just manage those areas a little better.

For instance: I do not consider myself a great housekeeper, so instead of striving to push    myself to exhaustion or desperation in an area I am not great at (I do not believe this is a learned skill as much as I do believe some are more organized by nature) I am learning to manage this just a little better. By taking little steps that add up to positive changes (and less stress) for me, I can be more more successful in this area! Thank you to the blogger at for her simple approach helping to keep me on track :)! Managing areas of weakness ultimately allows more time to develop those things you excel at - which is what you want!

Please know I am not saying it will ever be PERFECT or happen overnight but sometimes having a checklist in your head, helps. Try the CHANGE I outline here. I’d love to hear from you some success stories…

Friday, June 14, 2013

Please be patient!

I had a friend who needed some pictures turned around quickly...she is an amazing gal and the pictures were for a project benefitting the American Cancer Society...I was honored to help but couldnt find time to blog

I will be more didligent next week! :)