Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Are the bad guys winning??? Is there any HOPE at all?

Today I have hope that the bad guys will NOT win! Do you think they will win? I certainly hate turning on the TV or opening the paper only to see the most AWFUL news available…children being stolen – how about for A DECADE, cops shot, the gang violence in and out of prison, the politicians at each other’s throat.  How about we all remember that we are connected? That we are supposed to love one another as well as we love ourselves? That we all inhabit the same planet?

I know that to many this sounds a bit Pollyanna – ish, but SHEESH! What kind of dump are we leaving for our children to learn and grow up in? I for one know that we are all here to help one another and that it is our jobs to teach our children right from wrong versus the seeming culture of entitlement going on today.  I will say this sounds like a bit of a rant and it is NOT meant that way, so, let me share some good news today:

I know someone who is recovering nicely after their recent bone marrow transplant

I know of someone who got help today for a SERIOUS challenge they were facing, asked for help, and took a step in the right direction.

I know someone who had some good news in their fight with ovarian cancer

I know someone who graduated from a RT program to help others

I know someone who…


Who do you know with HOPE to share? Keep their names anonymous if you want but I’d love to hear from you…


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HI! Please know I read each and every comment and will try in good faith to reply! The purpose of this blog is to offer hope and celebrate gratitude! I reserve the right to remove any comment (or part of) that I consider offensive. Thank you for reading! I look forward to heraing from you soon!